Red Sofa

fine Art Photography


The picture tells of transience, of slow decay and the traces that time leaves on everything – both on things and on people. The once lively living room, a place of warmth and togetherness, has lost its purpose and now lies quiet and abandoned, forgotten and overtaken by time.
The red high heels protruding from the armchair are a striking point of contrast in this decay. They symbolize the former vibrancy and beauty that has long since faded.

Black Fabbrica

fine Art Photography


The abandoned engine room of a mine is permeated with the presence of the industrial past. Rusty machines and steel cables characterize the atmosphere and are a reminder of the hard work that was once done here. The model’s pose exudes confidence and grace, creating an exciting tension between the fragility of the human body and the massive, industrial structure.

Red Scala

fine Art Photography


An abandoned inn, whose dilapidated corridor offers a glimpse of the staircase and kitchen. The red high heels provide a striking contrast to the weathered green doors. The work addresses the contrast between vitality and decay. The red shoes are symbolic of the life and beauty that once existed and has faded amidst the decay. It tells of the transience and the inevitable passage of time, which irrevocably changes both places and people.

Black Miniera

fine Art Photography


The fine art photography captures the quiet, abandoned atmosphere of an old mine. Rusty rails run through the picture, on which weather-beaten wagons stand – silent witnesses to a time long gone. In the background stands a model in shiny, black patent leather boots, whose modern elegance forms a striking contrast to the dilapidated surroundings. The image emphasizes the exciting contrast between the rough, industrial decay of the mine and the stylized, timeless grace of the model. This creates a fascinating game between past and present, transience and modern aesthetics.

Red Seta

fine Art Photography


The picture shows an abandoned, once lively silk factory. The room is marked by decay: crumbling walls and crumbling plaster that were once part of a thriving business. In the middle of this harsh environment stands a model who, wearing red high heels, creates a stark contrast to the dilapidated scenery. Her posture is elegant and graceful, as if she were wearing a magnificent silk dress, although the clothing is not visible in the image. The idea of ​​flowing silk resonates in her pose, giving the image a fine, subtle elegance.

Black Cisterna

fine Art Photography


The abandoned, rusty tank facility, with its weathered pipes and structures, tells a story of past utility and the inevitable decay of time. Dark, menacing clouds hang heavily over the scene, enhancing the dramatic and somber atmosphere of this lost place. The connection between the model and the setting feels almost organic, as if she is a part of the location itself.
The contrast between the modern boots and the rugged, decaying environment is softened by the color coordination, creating a subtle balance between humanity and decay.

Red Cava

fine Art Photography


A former marble quarry that has been impressively reclaimed by nature. Lush trees and bushes grow through the weathered rocks, creating a breathtaking contrast to the barren stone surfaces once carved by humans. The model’s bold red color accents add a touch of elegance to the scene and set vibrant accents in the overwhelming nature. This harmonious fusion of humans and nature invites the viewer to reflect on the power of nature and the transience of human intervention.

Black Albergo

fine Art Photography


The artwork shows an abandoned hotel corridor, which creates a melancholic and nostalgic atmosphere due to its decay. The worn walls and faded carpet reflect the traces of time, while the open doors allow a glimpse into the past. The model gazes into one of the rooms with curiosity, enhancing the tension and sense of discovery within the scene.

Red Restaurant

fine Art Photography


The work shows a former restaurant with large windows through which gentle rays of sunlight flood the room. Lush green plants grow through the windows and invade the room. In the background there is a model in red high heels hiding behind a pillar. She hugs the column as if to capture the heritage of the place. This harmonious marriage of people and architecture conveys a sense of longing and loss, while demonstrating the power of nature to thrive in even the most dilapidated environments.

Black Sala

fine Art Photography


An old, abandoned dining room whose atmosphere is characterized by transience and decay. The tables and chairs are arranged chaotically around the room, which reinforces the feeling of abandonment and standstill. A model dressed in eye-catching black patent leather boots and a service apron poses in the background. This combination creates a fascinating contrast to the melancholic surroundings. The boots add a touch of modernity and energy to the scene, while the apron is reminiscent of bygone times when the dining room was vibrant and full of life.

Red Salotto

fine Art Photography


The fine art photography shows a former mansion whose dilapidated elegance is characterized by fascinating colors. The light streams through the open doors, creating soft shadows that highlight the textures of the surroundings. At the same time, it bathes the model in a warm, inviting light and gives the scene a special atmosphere. The model’s pose exudes dynamic energy, as if she is ready to breathe new life into the abandoned ambience. This harmonious combination of light, color and human presence conveys a sense of hope and change in the midst of decay.

Red Piano

fine Art Photography


A stylish former ballroom with a weathered piano at its centre. On this piano plays a model whose dynamic presence brings a touch of life to the nostalgic room. The model’s red high heels form a vivid contrast to the muted colour palette of the ballroom and emphasise the former splendour of the place. The light streaming through the tall windows enhances the moody atmosphere and bathes the room in a warm glow. This composition captures the memories of festive occasions and the joy of past celebrations, while at the same time awakening a longing to revive the once vibrant atmosphere.

Red Villa

fine Art Photography


The photograph presents a former villa whose dilapidated elegance is expressed through fascinating structures. The light streams through the open window front and conjures up soft shadows that emphasise the high-quality tiled floor. At the same time, the model is bathed in a warm, inviting light, giving the scene a special, almost magical atmosphere. The model’s pose radiates lively energy, as if she is ready to fill the abandoned ambience with new life. The contrast between the nostalgic backdrop and the model’s dynamic presence invites the viewer to reflect on the possibilities of revitalisation and change.

Red Nave

fine Art Photography


In the foreground is an old shipwreck marked by time. From inside the wreck, legs in eye-catching red high heels reach towards the sky. This unexpected combination creates a fascinating contrast between the rough, maritime past of the ship and the elegant presence of the legs. The stiletto heels, bright and vibrant, symbolise hope and the pursuit of freedom, while raising the question of what it means to exist amidst decay and loss.

Red Castello

fine Art Photography


The majestic decay of an old castle and the unexpected elegance of a model merge in this fine art photograph. The crumbling castle, with cracked walls and overgrown plants, speaks of past beauty. Legs in bright red high heels protrude from the window of the tall tower. These contrasts create strong visual tension: the ephemeral architecture meets the lively glamor of the shoes and gives the scene a fascinating dynamic.

Red Segheria

fine Art Photography


The photograph shows a former sawmill, whose abandoned wooden structure bears witness to the history and hard work that was once carried out here. Old wooden beams and the impressive beams characterise the room and give it a rustic, almost nostalgic atmosphere. A model in red high heels stands in the background, looking curiously outside as if on the lookout for potential customers. The bright high heels form an exciting contrast to the earthy tones of the wooden structure and bring a touch of liveliness to the deserted scene.

Red Trulli

fine Art Photography


This fine art photograph captures the charm of an old trulli, whose characteristic domes and weathered stone walls tell a story of times gone by. The room is small and rustic, with a sense of intimacy and cosiness. The pose of the legs conveys self-confidence and dynamism, as if they are ready to fill the rustic ambience with new energy. This harmonious connection between the timeless beauty of the trulli and the vibrant presence of the model invites the viewer to reflect on the possibilities of revitalisation and change, while honouring the timeless atmosphere of the place.


fine Art Photography


The greatest revelation is silence.

Lao Tzu

Light at the end of the tunnel

fine Art Photography


In most cases, fear is not a permanent condition, but a temporary one. The work shows light at the end of the tunnel, shows hope for good things. Those who are afraid must first make their way through the darkness, but at the end the light, the liberation, awaits. Details such as the green branches symbolise the new beginning, the recurring birth of new things, everything grows back, the old is followed by the new.


fine Art Photography


Everything in this world has its place and its time.
Right here, where we are right now, is the right place.
We feel the ground beneath our feet, the clear air, the light,
the open field, the clouds in the sky….
We breathe in and breathe out – and feel that we are part of it.
That we have our place here too.
A feeling that grounds us and fills us with gratitude.

The language of nature

fine Art Photography


Transformation is a gradual transition process that takes place within a certain period of time.
Nature has developed and perfected the recycling process. The accompanying phenomenon associated with the transformation of plants that colonise a new element takes some time to find a new solution.
The power of nature transforms everything created by humans back to its original state.

The charm of the forbidden, the magic of abandoned places and the story behind them is what Christian conveys with his passion for lost places photography. He creates wonderful still lifes, detailed snapshots of hidden treasures and captures them for eternity. With his good eye for the subject, he allows the charm of the morbid of this forgotten world, which is not accessible to the public, to shine in a new light, touches the heart and mind with his pictures, makes the hidden visible again and stimulates thought. Through his art, Christian resists the decay and transience of these abandoned places and at the same time represents change for something new. The necessary restraint and deep respect for nature becomes visible in the depth of his works.